
Why FountFunds is a great source for real estate funding

Have you ever heard of If not, no worries! I’ve got you covered. In this article, I want to share with you a few of the reasons why I love and why I believe it’s a great source for real estate funding.

The Three Realms of Real Estate Investing 

How can this be argued? The three realms are Cold hard CASH, Cash Flow and Cash you Later. With a sanction from the king, let’s dig deeper.

Realm #1- Cold hard CASH 

Where do we get the cash? Working the land for the Landlord. 

This can be a catch 22 for most people. Steady income seems to satisfy the fear of not making the mortgage payment.

“Flipping” properties is the cash now type of investment. No matter what strategy you use to take down your deal, Cash is King. These investing strategies put a roof over our heads, chicken in the pot, and shoes on the little nippers.

Cash in hand is better than 2 in the bush. Rehabbing is futile. Because when you stop so does the money. So serfdom sets in and you realize you are not free.

Realm #2- CASH FLOW

Rehabbing is living paycheck to paycheck. Unless you’re disciplined enough to put a lot more than is comfortable away each paycheck you are stuck where everyone else is working for the king. 

Apartment Houses are practically equal to single family houses when all is said and done. Marketing will bring you Apartment Houses without even trying.

Most investors are avoiding these, continually seeking a single family home.

Higher Cash Flows are achieved by Apartment Houses.

And lickity split, you have yourself a consequential passive Cash Flow just from your Apartment Houses. Robert Kyosaki has the same game plan in Rich Dad/Poor Dad.

Freedom with Cash Flow.

Imagine going where you want when you want with who you want. Rehabbing isn’t wrong, it’s just Cold hard Cash. If you want to have Cash Flow (Apartment Houses), parley that Cold hard Cash from (single family flips) into something that buys freedom!

In a while you’ll have a realm worth fighting for. Cash Flow will enable you to take whatever month off that you want! Single minded rehabbing and trying to take a month off would leave you in the poor house.

Do you see how Cash Flow will give you freedom?

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